Wednesday May 10, 2023
What Makes Men More Attractive to Women?
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Welcome back to our podcast about relationships and personal growth. Today, I want to share with you the insights I gained from my coaching session with Holly. We had a fun and funny conversation about her experiences with men she's gone out on dates with, and we talked about what makes men more attractive or repellant to women.
Holly shared with me some stories about the different men she's dated recently. We had a good laugh about some of the awkward moments, but we also talked about some of the positive experiences she's had. Through her experiences, you can learn about the qualities of men that make them attractive to most women.
On the flip side, we also talked about the traits that repel women.
Holly shared some stories about men who have tried too hard to impress her, or who have forced physical connection. These behaviors can be a major turn-off. We also discussed the importance of respecting boundaries and avoiding being too touchy on the first few dates.
I hope this episode was helpful to anyone out there navigating the world of dating.
Thanks for tuning in, and until next time!